Usually making a book fully returnable for bookstores or other retailers is a way for small publishers to risk going out of business. We're doing it anyway.
What makes this book different
Our book is tailor made for the travel event of the year and one of the most memorable experiences of people's lives, the North American total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.
While there are thousands of eclipse souvenirs popping up (so many t-shirts), quality keepsakes from the eclipse will be hard to find and in high demand. Millions of people are traveling to see this eclipse and even more will be pleasantly surprised to discover such a mind-bending experience right in their own backyard.
Our children's picture book Total Solar Eclipse: A Stellar Friendship Story was made for this moment. It teaches kids (and adults) how to properly watch an eclipse, while also exploring friendship and the unexpected ways we're better together. A memory page in the back helps preserve the special experience.
This title is professionally edited, illustrated, designed and printed. It was created by humans and exclusively includes original art.
If your store is in the path of totality for the 2024 total solar eclipse and you make Total Solar Eclipse: A Stellar Friendship Story visible to customers, we are fully confident they will fly off the shelf. That's why we'll give you the option up front to return any inventory you have when you need to make space for something new.

We purchased thousands of high quality paperback books to supply you directly with the best quality. The bulk purchase kept our costs down so we can make them fully returnable, and pass along deeper wholesale discounts.

Here's how it works
You reserve your inventory using this form, then we both sign a contract and we send you the books. You pay nothing yet. After you sell them, you settle up with us (40% you/60% us with sales price from $10-11.99) and return any remaining product in original condition. Return shipping is on you, but at just $33 for a full carton of 120 of them (media mail rate), it's an easy bet. Plus, we'll be shocked if you have any left.
Books are estimated to arrive in 4-6 days after the paperwork is completed.
Why place your wholesale or returnable book order directly from us?
Spot UV on the cover (the Sun "shines" and will stand out on your shelf)
Heavier paper
Glossy interior pages (vs matte)
Highest ink quality
Provides highest ROI for you
Supports the author directly
Free shipping to you
We are the only place you can get these books fully-returnable

Like Sun learns in our book, we believe we shine best together. Time to prove it! Place your order here.
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